Most Web Browsers
Acoo Browser v1.81.516
Acoo Browser is multi-tabbed browser interface for Internet Explorer, that also supports customizable ad filtering and popup blocking, URL aliases and more. In addition, it allows you to create groups of Favorites that can be launched simultaneously, as well as support for mouse gestures. Other than that, the interface and functionality is very similar to the standard IE features, and all IE functionality is available from within Acoo Browser.
File Size 1703 kb
Version 1.81.516
Up Dated: 14 March 2008

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AM Browser v2.01 (Freeware)
AM Browser (formerly Crazy Browser) is a powerful Web browser that provides many features that make surfing the web more comfortable and less confusing. Web pages are organized on tabs to prevent your screen from getting cluttered. it has full support for P3P privacy notifications (requires IE6) and JavaScript error suppression. In addition, AM Browser can handle multiple monitors and has tab status indicators. Annoying ad windows can be removed automatically and multiple pages can be saved and reopened together. The browser also includes many preconfigured search engines to help you find things on the web and you can extend it to use your own search engines. AM Browser looks very much like IE, in fact, it uses the IE browser engine to render web pages and also incorporates other settings.
Windows: 98/ME/NT/2000/XP
File size: 687 kb
Version: 2.01
Up Dated 01 November 2006

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Avant Browser v11.5 build 21 (Freeware)
Avant Browser is a multi-window (tabbed) browser based on the Internet Explorer core. It allows you to browse multiple Web sites simultaneously, block popup windows, block Flash advertising, and offers additional mouse functions for faster navigation. Additional features include an integrated privacy cleaner that helps to remove surfing tracks, a built-in Yahoo/Google search, RSS/ATOM Reader, Popup blocking and more. Avant Browser also provides options to easily block downloads of pictures, videos, Flash, sounds and ActiveX components to further spped up page loading times. All your IE settings and Favorites are available from within Avant Browser.
File Size 1894 kb
Version 11.5 build 21
Windows Win (All)

Up Dated: 01 January 2008
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Browse3D v3.5 (Freeware)
Browse3D is an IE based browser interface that offers 3D style page navigation, that enables you to display up to 4 web page snapshots at the same time. The snaphots are not live, but clicking on one will bring the actual web page to the foreground. It takes some getting used to, but can improve navigation for those that usually keep multiple browser windows open at the same time. You can hold down the CTRL key when clicking on any link, and it will be added to on of the 4 window panels, allowing you to pick links and then preview and browse them. The program makes a nice toy browser, but has probably little real-world value for most, especially as it does not support live page displays (unless you purchase a Pro version). The toolbar icons appeared to very unstable during our review and disappeared frequently.
Windows: 98/ME/2000/XP
File size: 2188 kb
Version: 3.5
Up Dated 01 November 2006

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BrowserG! v1.0 beta (Freeware)
BrowserG! is a browser/web surfing companion, that makes it easy to access and use your favorite desktop tools and favorite web sites. For example, you can start applications like MSN, AIM , ICQ, Yahoo Messenger, Kazza, Morpheous, Limewire and other tools from within BrowserG! or surf different sites with a single click. You can even keep a list of site-specific favorites for easy navigation, set up flags to lessen bookmark clutter and store comparison notes with links to other sites, which can be useful for online shopping or auctions. BrowserG! offers Netscape 6.0/Mozilla plugin support.(Install includes Mozilla download and JRE 1.3.0_01)
Windows: 98/ME/NT/2000/XP
File size: 13331 kb
Version: 1.0 beta
Up Dated 01 November 2006

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Deepnet Explorer v1.5.2 beta (Freeware)
Deepnet Explorer is a web browser. that combines IE based browsing with integrated P2P file sharing capabilities and a built-in RSS/ATOM news feed reader. The browser offers a tabbed interface, built-in popup blocker, form filler, auto-login and more. You can easily switch between web browser, file sharing and RSS reader from the provided toolbar buttons, and also disable any of them (for example if you don`t want to use the file sharing). The file sharing component is Gnutella based and allows you to search the Gnutella network, download and also share files. The news reader supports XML, RSS, RDF, Atom and OPML. Deepnet Explorer also includes a Phishing Alarm, which detects potential phishing sites and prompts a warning message if a potentially fraudulent website is visited.
Windows: 98/ME/NT/2000/XP
File size: 3386 kb
Version: 1.5.2 beta
Up Dated 16 January 2006

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E2 Browser v2.0.900 (Freeware)
E2 is an IE based, tabbed web browser with a built-in collection tool that lets you browse the web and collect anything that interests you - such as text snippets, images, mp3 files and so on. In addition, a built-in Media Player allows you to listen to your favorite music or to watch a movie while you are surfing, all in the same interface. Additional features include a built-in popup killer, link and file extraction, grouped pages and more. All standard IE options are also available.
Windows: 98/ME/2000/XP
File size: 4551 kb
Version: 2.0.900
Up Dated 16 January 2006

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Fast Browser Pro v8.1 (Freeware)
Fast Browser is an IE based, tabbed with additional features, including power search with more than 500 search engines, web page translation, URL analyzer, Google and Alexa integration, grouped Favorites and more. Fast Browser Pro also includes a FastBar feature, similar to the IE Explorer Bar, that integrates Notepad, Cookies, History and several other items into the browser interface.
Windows: 98/ME/NT/2000/XP
File size: 1673 kb
Up Dated 16 January 2006

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Flock v1.07
Flock is a Mozilla based web browser that integrates sharing of photos, Favorites, news and blogging into the browser interface. It currently supports Flickr, Photobucket,, Shadows, WordPress, Movable Type, Blogger, LiveJournal and other online services, as well as any RSS feed. You can easily subscribe to any website that offers RSS feeds and read/manage your feeds directly from within Flock. Other features include drag and drop photo sharing and a powerful web search toolbar that searches a variety of online resources simultaneously and returns a quick glance at the most relevant results.
Windows: 2000/XP
File size: 10391 kb
Version: 1.07
Up Dated: 14 March 2008

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GreenBrowser v4.3.1011 (Freeware)
GreenBrowser is yet another IE based browser that offers tabbed, multi-page browsing and many additional features including grouped pages, ad filtering, search engine integration, privacy cleaner, form filler and much more. The browser does not require installation, just run it and delete it if you don`t like it. The interface is clean and uses many of the standard IE icons, so it should look familiar for most of it. Additional features include download monitor, link lister, proxy settings, popup filter, auto-scrolling and extend support for mouse gestures. GreenBrowser reminds us a little of a cross between myIE and AvantBrowser.
Windows: 98/ME/2000/XP
File size: 1235 kb
Version: 4.3.1011
Up Dated: 01 January 2008

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Hydra v1.0.6
Hydra is an alternative Internet Explorer shell that comes with an Office 2007 style interface and loaded with additional features such as built-in translation, form filling, widgets sidebar, mouse gesture support, ad blocking and more. The browser comes also pre-configured with a variety of widgets in different categories, ranging from financial tools to unit converters, IP address lookup, news and more.
File Size 21460 kb
Version 1.0.6
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista
Up Dated: 14 March 2008

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Internet Explorer v7.0
The all new Internet Explorer 7 offer many improvements over IE6, most importantly a tabbed interface that allows you to easily navigate between multiple web pages. Other new features include built-in RSS support, improved security features with anti-phishing, improved web page printing and more. A QuickTabs feature allows you to view thumbnail screenshots of all currently open tabs, allowing you to quickly navigate between open web pages. Internet Explorer 7 also makes it easier to delete your browsing history and uses a new Explorer bar that does not resize the current web page when opened.
Windows: 98/NT/ME/2000
File size: 15156 kb
Version: 7.0
Up Dated 01 November 2006

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KidRocket V1.0 (Freeware)
KidRocket is a web browser for kids, that limits Internet access to about a dozen child-safe websites (Sesamestreet, Crayola, Nick and others). It offers a full-screen interface that can be locked by the parent, effectively preventing access to the desktop or other programs while it is running. In addition to web browsing, it also includes a doodle pad, a virtual Starbrite game and a math trainer. You can also choose to disable printing and keep track of the time the browser has been in use.
Pros: Very modern and easy to use interface; prevent access to your desktop; additional math practice and doodle pad
Cons: Parents cannot add or remove sites; limited to about a dozen sites
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
File Size 3732 kb
Version 1.0
Up Dated 27 January 2007

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Kopassa Browser v1.7 (Freeware)
Kopassa is a web browser (IE based) that enhances your surfing with thumbnail previews of the web pages you have visited, or that are dragged into the thumbnail pane. You can drag any link from a page into the upper pane, to see a thumbnail preview and then quickly load it when you are ready to visit the page. Basically the browser can be used like a tabbed browser, just that it uses thumbnail displays instead of traditional tabs. Kopassa Browser also includes quick search functionality for more than 20 search engines, context sensitive search functions, translation and more. Additional features include a built-in download manger popup blocker, cookie manger and more. Even though the thumbnail displays are handy, the interface is very basic and needs some getting used to.
Windows: Win XP
File size: 881 kb
Version: 1.7
Up Dated 16 January 2006
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K-Meleon v0.9 (Freeware)
K-Meleon is an extremely fast, customizable, lightweight web browser for the win32 (Windows) platform based on the Gecko layout engine (the rendering engine of Mozilla). K-Meleon is free, open source software released under the GNU General Public License.
Up Dated 16 January 2006
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Maxthon v (Freeware)
Maxthon is an Internet Explorer based web browser that adds a lot of new features as well as a fresh new look to your standard Internet Explorer browser interface. Among the added features are a tabbed interface that allows you to quickly switch between multiple web pages and create groups of pages that you can launch with a single click. In addition, it offers several privacy features like cookie and history cleanup as well as an option to delete the typed address bar URLs (either all or only selected). There are many other features, most of them small, but very handy. For example, it supports URL aliases and keyboard shortcuts, quick proxy switching, auto-scrolling, network speed display as well as content filtering and a popup window killer. Maxthon supports plug-ins (some come included).
File Size 3859 kb
Windows Win (All)
Up Dated: 14 March 2008

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Mozilla v1.7.7 (Freeware)
Mozilla is an open-source web browser, designed for standards compliance, performance and portability. coordinates the development and testing of the browser by providing discussion forums, software engineering tools, releases and bug tracking. Mozilla is fast loading, comes with many features like intergrated email, chat etc. Looks like Netscape, but it s not, at least not really...
Windows: 98/ME/NT/2000/XP
File size: 11762 kb
Author: Mozilla Foundation
Version: 1.7.7
Up Dated 16 January 2006
Version: 1.7.7
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Version: 1.7.3
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Mozilla Firefox V2.0.0.12 (Freeware)
Firefox is a Mozilla browser, that is independent from Internet Explorer or other Windows components. It offers tabbed browsing combined with numerous handy features like popup blocking, Live Bookmarks (RSS integration), password manager and more. The functionality can be extended with dozens of freely available plug-ins (Extensions). Firefox can import all your Internet Explorer Favorites as well as some other settings, so switching is made easy. The default features of Firefox are good for general web surfing. The availability of the free extensions (and themes) is one of the key aspects for our rating, since they allow you to easily add the features you want and customize the browser to fit your needs. New features since version 2.0 include spell checking, slight interface improvements, improved RSS features, and integrated anti-phishing.
File Size 5885 kb
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista
Up Dated: 14 March 2008

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For Other Systems and Languages:
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Get Firefox in 28 other languages here:
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MW Web Browser V1.0
MW Web Browser is a simple IE based browser interface that allows you to quickly switch to a fake Microsoft Word document when your boss walks into the room. Switching can be done via keyboard shortcut (F1) or clicking on an area in the title bar. No Installation Required.
Pros: Quickly switch between browser and a fake Word document
Cons: Interface not resizable; browser only provides very basic functionality; no support for tabs
File Size 2427 kb
Version 1.0
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista
Up Dated: 01 January 2008

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Nausicaa v2.1 (Freeware)
Nausicaa is an IE based web browser interface that offers several additional features. It offers full control over pop-up windows, URL filtering, quick web page saving, a built-in bookmark manager and more. Nausicaa also includes a search bar that provides direct access to popular searchengine. The program fully compatible with all your Internet Explorer settings, Favorites and plugins.
Windows: 98/ME/NT/2000/XP
File size: 708 kb
Author: Rhizome Systems
Version: 2.1
Up Dated 16 January 2006
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Netscape v9.0.0.5
Netscape is a web browser with integrated messaging (AOL Instant Messenger) and many additional features. It is based on the Mozilla engine, but not nearly as flexible as the Mozilla browser. Netscape includes a complete email client, support for Internet radio and more. It also includes promotional links and installs promotional shortcuts on your desktop, start menu and more.
Windows: (All)
File size: 5908 kb
Up Dated: 01 January 2008

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Off By One Browser v3.5.d (Freeware)
Off By One Browser is an independent web browser that runs completely self-contained and does not require any other browser - it does not use the IE browsing engine. It can even run directly from a floppy, CD, ZIP etc. without installation. OffByOne does not support Java or Plugins like Flash - which may limit it for everyday use, but offers the advantage of popup windows free browsing and eliminates the vulnerability to malicious code. In addition, the browser allows you to surf the web without leaving any tracks, since the page cache and image cache are not stored to disk, but to memory and are erased at the end of the session. OffByOne implements full HTML 3.2 support plus many HTML 4.0 extensions, including Frames as well as SSL. Additional features include cookie management, support for IE favorites, offline file saving, image zoom and more. A compact browser that may not be a good choice for an IE replacement, but great if you need a browser that fits on a floppy, or to be included in a CD distribution etc.
Windows: 98/ME/NT/2000/XP
File size: 1010 kb
Version: 3.5.d
Up Dated 16 January 2006
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Opera v9.26
Opera is a fast, secure, configurable, and standards compliant Internet/Intranet browser that also includes a newsreader and mail client. Opera gives you the freedom to run multiple windows without opening up other instances and many more features that make it a great choice for the serious web enthusiast. Opera comes with tons of features, including 128bit encryption, enhanced security for your online transactions, advanced download support features, cookie management and many more. Additional features include built-in download manager, integrated mail client with spam filter, skin support, mouse gestures pop-up killer, one-click log-in to password protected sites and more.
Pros: Fast browser with many attractive features
Cons: Not fully compatible with all website designs
File Size 4802 kb
Version 9.25 (history)
Windows Win XP
Up Dated: 14 March 2008

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Safari 3.0.5 Build 525.3 Beta
Safari lets you experience the web in Apple style, being the fastest, easiest-to-use web browser in the world. With its simple, elegant interface, Safari gets out of your way and lets you enjoy the web.
The fastest web browser on any platform, Safari loads pages up to 2 times faster than Internet Explorer 7 and up to 1.7 times faster than Firefox 2.
And it executes JavaScript up to 3 times faster than Internet Explorer 7 and up to 2 times faster than Firefox 2.
Internet Explorer. Here are some key features of "Safari": · Blazing Performance Safari is the fastest web browser on any platform. · Elegant User Interface Safari’s clean look lets you focus on the web — not your browser. · Easy Bookmarks Organize your bookmarks just like you organize music in iTunes. · Pop-up Blocking Say goodbye to annoying pop-up ads and pop-und
File Size 16.2 MB
Version 9.25 (history)
Windows XP/Vista
Up Dated: 01 January 2008

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Slim Browser 4.10 build 015(Freeware)
SlimBrowser is a tabbed, IE based browser that allows you to surf multiple sites at once. It also adds several additional tools, including easy access to internet track cleaning, URL aliases, popup blocking and more. Also included comes a form filler to automatically fill personal information into form fields, site filtering and hidden sites, customizable web search and more. Many of the advanced settings are maintained in text-style configurations, making it easy to customize for advanced users. SlimBrowser also allows you to group several of your favorite web pages, so that they can be opened at once with a single click.
(Used to be shareware)
Windows: 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista
File size: 1.84MB
Version: 4.10 build 015
Up Dated: 14 March 2008
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SurfTabs v1.8.7.0 (Freeware)
SurfTabs incorporates all of Internet Explorer (IE) functionality on different tabs. Putting IE web browsers in a tab interface enables you to switch back and forth from different web sites easily with the click of a tab instead of cluttering up your workspace (desktop) and the task bar with multiple copies of IE. Each tab is uniquely identified by the name (title) of the web site. There is no limit to how many tabs/browsers you can have open (other then your hardware).
Windows: 98/NT/ME/2000
File size: 2243 kb
Up Dated 16 January 2006
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Web Tarantula v3.7 (Freeware)
A mulitplex web browser - automatically loads up to 8 of your favorite web sites in 8 independent windows. You can specify an alias for each site (e.g "Downloads" for, which will also be displayed in the tab, rather than the original title. Each window has a home page button that will return you to the original page if you decide to maximize a Window and follow any links. Additional features include an auto-refresh function and the option to view windows in a tabbed, tiled or cascaded format.
Windows: 98/ME/NT/2000/XP
Requires: VB4 Runtimes
File size: 1050 kb
Version: 3.7
Up Dated 16 January 2006

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Wysigot Light v6.01 (Freeware)
Wysigot is an offline/online browser that saves and monitors Internet and network (LAN) documents and optionally alerts you if any of them have changed. It provides several tools for capturing, updating and comparing the stored data as well as a basic search function. The interface is web-like and easy to use. You can schedule automatic updates for each document (web site), set alarms for specific pages and be notified if they change and the program will also highlight the actual changes directly on the page. The downloaded pages can be browsed offline in the same manner, complete with all images, Flash and so on. Additional features include annotations, safe mode (exclude ActiveX, Java etc. from download), an option to keep older versions of a page and more. An optional full version offers enhanced search features, export and several advanced features.
Windows: Win (All)
File size: 2115 kb
Version: 6.01
Up Dated: 14 March 2008

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Enjoy ;)
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